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Art (1).GIF
Throughout the school year you can nominate yourself or a classmate to have their work, accomplishment, or act of kindness featured on our class website! Email Ms. Reale with your submission at

7th Grade

Presentation 7 2.GIF

Units of Study

  • Digital Citizenship

  • The Swiftie Diaries

  • Game Night

Digital Citizenship

 Topic 1: Media Balance 
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After reading this article, sketch about the type of advice the article gives for having a well-balanced relationship with social media


After watching this video, sketch about how social media is affecting teens


After watching this video, sketch about the effects of multi-tasking on a teenager's ability to be productive


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After reading this article, sketch about what tech addiction is, why tech is so addictive, and how to prevent it from happening 


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Sketch these 4 vocabulary words!


 Topic 2: Internet Safety 

After watching this video, sketch about how companies are targeting ads at people online.



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After reading this article, sketch about the answers to the 3 questions above

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After reading the 2 articles about the tech companies above, sketch about:


1) How are Google & FaceBook targeting ads at certain groups of people online?

2) What is the government doing to protect people's privacy online?

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After reading these tips, sketch about how you would limit being tracked online



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Sketch these 4 vocabulary words!
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 Topic 3: Digital Footprint 

After watching this video, choose 3 words that describe digital footprint and sketch them out

After watching this video, sketch about some drawbacks when using social media



After watching this video, sketch about the possible consequences of when you post without thinking


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After reading this article, sketch 4 tips that you can use to build a positive digital footprint


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Sketch these 2 vocabulary words!


 Topic 4: Social Media 

After watching this video, sketch about 2 benefits to using social media and 2 pitfalls to using social media


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After reading this article, sketch about the positive and negative effects of social media on teenagers 


After reading this article sketch about what a social media influencer is and how they positively effect the economy

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After reading this article, sketch about the answers to the 3 questions above



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Sketch these 2 vocabulary words!


 Topic 5: Cyberbullying 

After reading this article, sketch the answers to these questions:

1) What is cyberbullying?

2) What actions are states taking to protect teens from cyberbullying?

3) Which gender cyberbullies more and WHY?

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After reading this article, sketch the answers to these questions:

1) What are the consequences of cyberbullying?

2) Why do people cyberbully?

3) What can someone do if they are being cyberbullied?


After watching this video, sketch about the 5 ways to stop cyberbullying


After watching this video, sketch about the 3 tips that can prevent cyberbullying



Read the graph ABOVE and sketch about the top 3 apps teens are cyberbullied on

Read the graph BELOW and sketch about the top 3 ways teens are effected by cyberbullying



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Sketch these 2 vocabulary words!


Safe Online Surfing!
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Click the picture to the left to get to the online surfing game to test your knowledge. Be sure to choose 7th grade once on the website!

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